Thursday, January 6, 2011

Called to Serve -- The MTC in Provo UT

Have you ever been to Kansas in the late summer and driven past waves and waves of wheatfields? Well, that's just what it's like here only it's all in black and white. I have never seen so many missionaries in one place in all my life. What a unique place and unique experience!! Such power in one place makes me feel... happy! By the way, the food is good and they have a wide variety. I can't believe how much they must go through in one day!!! I was told there are about 2600 missionaries at the MTC right now. To hear them sing "Called to Serve" was amazing!!!! Wow!

We finished our 3 days of CES training on Wednesday. What a great experience. We learned so much and hope now we can remember it all. We had the class with other missionary couples going all around the world; Sri Lanka, Guam, South Korea, Norway, New Zealand (not us), Samoa, Tonga, San Diego, Washington DC, Virginia, Boliva, Salt Lake City Headquarters, Germany (us)and other places. How wonderful that the Lord's work is circling the globe. We enjoyed a special devotional Tuesday night given by Elder Baxter and his wife from the seventy. He bore a strong testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel and that, contrary to some beliefs, we DO believe in Jesus Christ!

We are actually staying in the Marriot Hotel downtown Provo. They only have so much room at the MTC for the couples and so the church must have contracted with the Marriot to house us here. So our room is a suite, with a couch, chairs, a kitchenette, and a king size bed. We are very grateful!!
We are having a great experience here and looking forward to Germany and wonderful opportunities to serve the youth there. They will be the future leaders of Europe and so we have a great work to do. We love you all and hope all is well in your lives. We miss you and would love to hear from you. We still have our regular email address so feel free to write.


Amy said...

Thanks for posting! I'm so happy that you are experiencing all of this and I just wanted to say that you both are such wonderful examples to me and to my little family. We are so grateful for you! Can't wait to hear more!

The Hoggan Family said...

WE just read the blog. Lincoln said, "Mom, are going to Germany with Grandma and Grandpa?" WE hope to visit, but it all depends on the finances. We are excited for you and feel the blessings that comes from serving the Lord. WE love you!

Debbie said...

I'm so glad you have this blog. It's great to be able to stay connected with you both! We sure do love you and think about you often!