Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Miracles and Tender Mercies

Hello everyone.  Since we last posted, we spent 4 days trying to find or visit with some 27 young adults. We were 1 for 27 :(  We were rather discouraged by Sunday night.  But we looked on the positive side in that we learned some things about many of them, like they've moved or the address was incorrect and so forth.  We have also tried to contact by phone or text with very little results.

But yesterday the Lord blessed us with miracles and tender mercies.  We were able to actually talk to or receive texts from 7 young adults.  And they were all (but one) happy to talk with us.  Finally!  So we were grateful and felt that our prayers and fasting and effort are paying off. 

We attended Seminary last Friday with the Huntington 1st ward. The two teachers take turns.  Here is a picture of the class.  It was a very nice  class.  Her husband baked blueberry muffins for us all.
Saturday we went with permission from the Mission President to the Louisville, KY temple with our young adults to perform baptisms.  We had family names and so those were done.  It was a fun trip.  Only two went with us in our car (it is a three hour drive out there and the same back) but three others came from two other towns.  Sadly I forgot to get a picture!  Next time. :)
Sunday we attended church in Ashland KY and were asked to speak impromptu. The Ashland ward members were warm and friendly and the Bishop was so very helpful.  And the big NEWS is that Ashland will now have an institute every week!  We requested for it and President Lim (stake President) said yes it was time.  So we are very excited for these Young Adults. There could be as many as 5 attend.  Now we have 5 institute units in the stake.  So grateful!  We feel God working and we feel the faith of the Saints as well.
We have a busy week ahead of us, institute in Portsmouth OH.  We will spend the night in a hotel authorized and paid for by the CES budget and the next morning we will attend seminary at 5:45 am.  Then there will be more visits and more contacting.  District meeting on Friday.  Inservice meetings in Huntington and Charleston.  And it keeps going on.  It is so good to be here and we feel the Lord's hand in our lives.
Here is a picture of the Piggly Wiggly grocery store in Milton.  I've always wanted to see one for myself.  They are an old store chain that's been around for many years, but we never saw them in Utah or Idaho.  Most of them were in Midwest or east.  In fact I don't think there are very many of them left around anymore. So when we saw it I had to take a picture :)  Then we went in and Elder Hoggan had fresh baked pastries and I had chicken pot pie both made right there in the store.  Delicious!! 

Well, .... that's all folks!   Love you all.  God Lives.  Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer.  The gospel is true!!  Have a great week. 


Amy said...

Love the Piggly Wiggly picture! How fun! I am also glad that you were able to get a hotel before going to that seminary in Ohio...lots of traveling!! You guys are good at that though. :) Love you!

Marilyn Hayes said...

WOW! Busy and happy! Can't get any better than that! Keep itup! I love you guys!