Elder Hoggan can verify it is not fun to get sick outside the US. We are grateful though for good doctors here in Germany and also for the Elders who got us to the Hospital and back after he spent the night there. They were so good to translate for us. It was a urinary tract infection and so he is on anti-biotics. He is doing better and has been out and about some. But he still needs to take it easy. The Elders gave him a blessing before they took us to the hospital and so we know he will be fine and he will finish the mission. The Lord is truly blessing us with tender mercies and even miracles. The Savior Lives and loves us and watches over us.
The one picture is of Phil in the hosptial (no hospital gowns in Germany) and the other is Elders Ruchaur and Ellsworth, from Germany and California, respectively.
So delighted to know you are safely in Germany and getting settled...jealous of the pastry shops! We're very happy that Elder Hoggan is feeling better, and we look forward to hearing more of your adventures!
I hope you don't play with anymore needles! You've got to leave 'em where the doctor put 'em. Glad you are safe and doing much better!
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